Together with the SBI PO Notification 2022, the SBI PO Syllabus 2022 lists the 1673 open positions. The most recent syllabus of SBI PO for the Preliminary and Main Exams is provided below. By boosting the weight of the general knowledge component, the SBI altered its core exam design for this year.
The SBI PO syllabus is available for candidates preparing for the SBI PO. Every year, thousands of students compete for PO positions at SBI, increasing competition and making the exam harder to pass. Follow the most recent SBI PO curriculum and exam pattern to prepare if you wish to perform well in the exam. This will adequately point you as you make preparations for the SBI PO.
The selection for the post of SBI PO is based on three tiers:
2022 SBI PO Prelims Syllabus
An SBI PO preparatory curriculum with illustrations is offered. The main subjects are reading comprehension, gap-filling, coding and decoding, syllogisms, numerical sequences, and quadratic equations. To move on to the next step of the screening procedure, applicants must exhibit exceptional performance. Here is a rough draft of the syllabus. Analyse the most crucial exam topics while paying attention to the exam weights. Applicants need to be familiar with the Prelims syllabus to succeed in this. The Prelims exam’s key topics and parts are:
2022 SBI PO Mains Syllabus
Those who pass the preliminary exam advance to the main exam. The applicant must master her 2022 SBI PO Mains Syllabus to pass this phase with flying colours. Now that the official notification for the SBI PO Calls for 2022 has been made public, it is time to get ready. The following major subjects are covered in the SBI PO Mains Syllabus:
Psychometric Test
Banks may administer psychometric personality profiling exams to the Phase III shortlisted candidates. Test results are presented to the interview panel to provide a complete picture of the candidate. This is the last selection process for applicants who have completed the first two phases of the SBI PO exam. Group discussion earns 20 points, while interviews get 30 points.
Group discussion
The SBI PO Mains Syllabus for General Awareness is broken down into its primary themes. Plan your exam based on the specifics of each subject. In the General Awareness area, it’s important to note: The topics covered in the syllabus of SBI PO 2022 for GD and PI are listed below.
Final Selection
The final SBI PO exam score will be determined based on subsequent considerations. The first term’s preliminary examination results will only be considered when deciding. Phases 2 and 3 eligibility require that candidates meet specific qualifications. The SBI PO main exam grade the candidate received will be translated to a maximum of 75 points, and the group exercises and interview grade will be converted to 25 points. The new overall score (main + GD/PI) is 100. The final merit list for each category is calculated with a total score of 100. Ultimately, the candidate with the highest achievement rank across all types is chosen.